Feral Druid Symbiosis Guide – Mogu’shan Vaults

I was looking around the internet for some information on Symbiosis recommendations for Mogu’shan Vaults. To my surprise there was very little information particularly with recommendations for Feral Druids. This prompted me to do some more searching through forums and websites to create a simple guide with recommendations for each boss in Mogu’shan Vaults. These recommendations can be applied to 10 / 25 & LFR, however it mostly depends a lot on group composition as that is the nature of the spell.

Symbiosis has a lot of options available to you and can be difficult to remember. There are a number of tables / charts that show the spells you gain and the spells that your target gains and I have linked some of them below.

WOW Head – http://www.wowhead.com/spell=110309/symbiosis

The Fluid Druid – http://fluiddruid.net/symbiosis-a-druid-primer/

Fat Boss Youtube – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LekZHvuN98s

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